Зарубежные специалисты рекомендуют
Для дальнейшего знакомства с международным опытом мы адресуем читателей к списку «хранилищ» примеров успешного опыта, рекомендованных в методическом пособии для преподавания «Social Entrepreneurship. Teaching resource handbook» (Debbi D. Brock and Ashoka’s Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship. Ashoka. March 2008, стр. 31).
Список цитируется без изменений на английском языке. Полную версию издания можно скачать здесь: www.universitynetwork.org/handbook
The cases on CasePlace.org are a carefully selected set of business case studies that pose social and environmental challenges within traditional business problems. The cases can be searched by keywords including titles, authors, regions, and companies. They can also be searched by using advanced searches in industry, discipline, topic and region. Search results provide abstracts, as well as background materials and source information.
Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship
A research and education center based at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) promotes the entrepreneurial pursuit of social impact through the thoughtful adaptation of business expertise. The website offers cases on social entrepreneurial organizations including Futures for Kids, a nonprofit designed to serve the needs of teens; the Latino Community Credit Union that offers affordable, accessible and fair financial services to the Latino population; and YouthBuild which focuses on teaching students how to scale social innovations. Cases are available at no cost to faculty.
Harvard Business School Cases
Experience is the best teacher, and the case method packs more experience into every hour of learning than any other instructional approach. That’s why it forms the basis of learning at Harvard Business School as well as many other universities around the world. In case discussions, students are introduced to the reality of decision making — including incomplete information, time constraints, and conflicting goals — giving them first-hand experience in analyzing business situations. Case studies stimulate students’ thinking, challenge their capabilities, and prepare them for future managerial decision making.
University Network for Social Entrepreneurship
The University Network for Social Entrepreneurship works with professors and researchers, practitioners and students to develop social entrepreneurship as a vocation and carry its principles into other disciplines and sectors. It is designed to be a resource hub and an action-oriented forum to expand social entrepreneurship education and provide resources to faculty including a number of case studies.
Для полноты и точности картины автор методического пособия также рекомендует для знакомства следующий список современников, которых она относит к социальным предпринимателям (с. 45).
ACCION International
Joseph Blatchford
A world pioneer in microfinance, Boston-based nonprofit ACCION International was founded in 1961 and issued the first microloan in 1973 in Brazil. Since then, it has led the evolution from simple microloans to a full range of financial services for the self-employed poor such as savings, insurance, housing loans, and remittances. ACCION envisions a world in which financial systems work for the poor so that they have the same opportunities to create and grow businesses as those with higher incomes. By bringing financial services to people who have historically been ignored by banks, ACCION has helped inspire a whole new kind of banking: microfinance.
CIDA City Campus
Taddy Bletcher
CIDA is designed to develop thinkers and leaders and to help rejuvenate the economy of South Africa through leveraging the finest knowledge and skills that exist in the nation and in the world. CIDA is a high quality, low cost, holistic, relevant, cutting-edge, technology enriched, replicable, and mass scale higher education model. CIDA is a registered and accredited, nonprofit, private; higher education institution founded in 1999 in South Africa and offers a three-year cutting-edge business and technology degree.
City Year
Michael Brown and Alan Khazei
City Year’s citizen service vision is that citizens of all ages and backgrounds will unite to serve their community, nation and world, and that one day the most commonly asked question of an 18 year-old will be: “Where are you going to do your service year?” City Year’s civic leadership vision is that one day every citizen will have the skills, values and inspiration to be a leader for the common good. City Year’s social entrepreneurship vision is that one day human inventiveness and compassion will be unleashed systematically to solve the pressing social problems of the day. City Year’s mission is to build democracythrough citizen service, civic leadership and social entrepreneurship.
College Summit
J.B. Schramm
College Summit’s mission is to increase the college enrollment rate of low-income students by ensuring that every student who can make it in college makes it to college, and by putting college access “know-how” and support within the reach of every student. Tired of seeing students “graduate” from his teen center to the street, J.B. Schramm became determined to help admissions offices see students the way he saw them. The program helps bright, low-income students who, with the right support during the post-secondary transition, could propel their lives (and communities) in a positive direction. The program has worked in partnership with schools, school districts and colleges to develop a sustainable model for raising college enrollment rates community wide.
Crayons to Computers
Shannon Carter
Crayons to Computers (C2C), a free store for teachers, is a home grown initiative that supports education. Germinated from a Leadership Cincinnati class project, the private nonprofit organization collects the community’s surplus merchandise and distributes it at no cost to area teachers for use in their classrooms and for needy students. Teachers routinely spend their own money on basic supplies because academic budgets are strained and families cannot afford necessary pencils and paper. Believing that every child should have an equal chance to succeed in school, the group opened the store in 1997 and since then has distributed over $45 million worth of free supplies, educational materials, and incentive items to more than 75,000 children. C2C operates with a skeletal staff of eight persons and an army of hundreds of dedicated volunteers who sort donations and stock shelves. It is the national model for 31 other teacherresource centers in the country.
Grameen Bank
Muhammad Yunus
When Muhammad Yunus started giving out tiny loans under a system which later became known as the Grameen Bank, Yunus never imagined that one day he would be reaching four million borrowers. Grameen Bank provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral. At Grameen Bank, credit is a cost effective weapon for fighting poverty, serving as a catalyst for overall socio-economic development.
Institute for OneWorld Health
Victoria Hale
OneWorld Health’s approach is simple. Assemble an experienced and dedicated team of pharmaceutical scientists. Identify the most promising drug and vaccine candidates. Develop them into safe, effective and affordable medicines. Then partner with companies, nonprofit hospitals and organizations in the developing world to conduct medical research on new cures and manufacture and distribute approved therapies that will impact the health of millions of people. The organization challenges the assumption that pharmaceutical research and development is too expensive to create the new medicines that the developing world desperately needs. By partnering and collaborating with industry and researchers, by securing donated intellectual property, and by utilizing the scientific and manufacturing capacity of the developing world, OneWorld Health can deliver affordable, effective and appropriate new medicines where they are needed most.
Martin Fisher and Nick Moon
KickStart is a nonprofit organization that develops and markets new technologies in Africa. These low-cost technologies are bought by local entrepreneurs and used to establish highly profitable new small businesses. The organization promotes sustainable economic growth and employment creation in Kenya and other countries by developing and promoting technologies that can be used by dynamic entrepreneurs to establish and run profitable small scale enterprises. KickStart’s technologies, expertise, and methods are widely applied throughout Africa to support programs in agriculture, shelter, water, sanitation, health, and relief. KickStart believes that self-motivated private entrepreneurs managing small-scale enterprises are the most effective agents for developing economies. The organization creates new jobs and wealth, enabling the poor to climb out of poverty forever.
Teach for America
Wendy Koop
Teach for America is a national, highly selective service corps of outstanding recent college graduates of all academic majors who commit two years to teach in underserved urban and rural public schools. The mission is to eliminate educational inequity by enlisting our nation’s most promising future leaders in the effort. Since its founding, Teach for America has become the nation’s largest provider of teachers for low income communities. Teach for America alumni work across the country in every sector, emerging from the corps as engaged citizens committed to influencing their local communities and resolving issues of educational inequity. Our current corps members and alumni embody our vision that one day all American children will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
Автор: Инга Пагава
Дата публикации: 27 апреля 2008
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